Bryan's parents Cabin
Friday, December 31, 2010
Driving Out of Glendale
Bryan's parents Cabin
Time to say GOODBYE
Then, the Horlacher Ladies
Time for Hugs, Kisses and Goodbyes.
We had such a wonderful time with all of the family.
Lots of Family Love
Another Surprise!!!
Christmas Morning
Cecilee and Grandma were just a little more excited than me!!!
YES- these are what I have been waiting for. Obviously, Bryan didn't know the girls were taking a picture.
Christmas Eve
The kids of all sizes decorating their graham cracker houses. Grandma always has a contest and gives money to the winners. Of course, everyone is a winner, but Cambria was the BIG winner.
Reading of the Christmas Story from the scriptures. Grandpa had everyone take a turn and read part of the story. It was a special time to hear everyone participate.
Everyone waiting for Cambria and Cecilee to hand out the gifts. Which of course were PJ's!!!! My girls and their FOOTIES Pj's
Bryan and Trevor were very glad to see that they DIDN'T have FOOTIE PJ's. They were quite worried.
My four silly kids on Christmas Eve in their Jammies
Me and My Hubby, another wonderful Christmas together.
We got Grandma and Grandpa PJ's
The Stocking (many of them) were hung