Tia's amazing at what she has done with her dance company, KALAMITY. She has always had a dream to use her dance talent as a service for others and she came up, last year, with a benefit concert for one of her dancers that had cancer. Well, this year she wanted to find another cause and do the same thing for them. All money collected those two nights would go to the cause, and her cause this year was the Slack Family. They have a blog: http://www.dylanandrileyslack.blogspot.com/ so check it out and you will see their story and exactly why Tia chose them as her cause to dance.
She dedicated the last year to this family and everything taught, practiced, rehearsed, etc. went towards these 2 nights for them, and it showed. Her and her dancers were incredible. I feel so honored to have my daughter, Cambria dancing with her. She has taught her so much and her dancing skills have improved so much. Tia's passion is totally portrayed in her dancing. Both evenings were a HIT and by the last night they had raised, $3,750.00 for the family in 3 hours, just by dancing. She is incredible and I am so proud of her.
Tia and her younger dancers. How lucky are they to be taught by the BEST!!!!
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