Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gingerbread Houses w/The AhQuin OHANA

The Cheetah Girls: Lisia,Syd,Raya,Tayvia
Its the Holiday season to build Gingerbread Houses with the family. With all that has gone on with my dad, we were quite delayed with all of the holidays festivities. It's a week and a half before Christmas and my sister calls me and says, "Tonya are we building Gingerbread Houses and caroling this year?" So, me being the oldest, I hurried and threw a family fun night together and deleted the Caroling and just house building and chili, but drew individual names, instead of family names. So we exchanged gifts as well. We enjoy being together as a family and love to watch the cousins play and love each other. It's all about the next generation, we need to keep having activities together so that they KNOW each other and LOVE each other. It's ALL ABOUT FAMILY!!!!
Cambria, Jeff and Teancum
Janette and 2 of her kids: Janessa & JT
Max, Sunshine & Jaden
Clay & Julee with their kids.
Some of the cousins,missing Devan,Josh & Avenna
All of the Gingerbread Houses, we ran out of time to allow them to set, so most of the roofs slid off.
My mom wanted me to take snapshots of all her grandchildren for her frames, so here they are. Oldest to Youngest.
Uh OOH!! Look who's enjoying the candy off the houses.
Love this little guy!!! Joe's son Tristan.

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