Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Baby Sister Tia

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear TIA,
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
Andy and Tia-True Love
Tia and Cecilee
Tia and Cambria
Tia and her little BIG BOY, Major!!!!
We celebrated Tia's 24th birthday on Sunday night, January 10th. She is such a good girl who I am so proud of the woman, mom, wife and person that she is becoming. She has always been such a good girl, but since she has gotten married and become a mom, I have seen a totally new woman. She has totally prioritized her life to make her marriage and motherhood her number one priority. I love watching her take care of Major and her husband Andy. I don't think anyone could've picked a better match for her than Andy. They are a great team together. To watch them as parents and as a couple, I am so happy for Tia. I haven't seen her soo happy. I am so excited for her and her upcoming 2nd baby. Wow, that's going to be a family of 4.

I remember when my mom was pregnant with Tia, I would take my mom to an from her Dr. appts to La Habra in California, which was about an hour away, and I wasn't even 16 yet. But my mom was on bedrest for her whole pregnancy, so that she could deliver Tia. My mom let ME name Tia. I named her T- Tonya, I=Irene, A=AhQuin. When Tia was born I went to the store and bought her "coming home" from the hospital outfit. When I would take my mom to the Dr. for her appt. I would wait out in the waiting room with Tia and people would just stare at me and think that the baby was mine. I would PURPOSELY say OUTLOUD, "Tia, MOM is coming out, so stop crying." I wanted everyone to know this was my little sister, NOT my baby. I loved taking care of Tia, she was like my little living doll. As she got older, I would take her on my dates with Bryan and she would always say, "Where's Byan?" Bryan left on his mission when she was 2 1/2. I loved dressing her and taking her everywhere with me. When she went to Kindergarten, I remember standing with my mom at the bus stop and I cried. We have always been close and when I had Cambria, Tia was 7 so she was more like a sister instead of an Aunty. She has always been such a great example for my girls and they have always thought of her as a sister instead of Aunt. They are so close. I am thankful for Tia's testimony and love of our Savior that she shares with everyone. I love you so much Tia and am so proud of the person that you have become. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!!

I journaled most of this for my records. I saw on my friends blog that she just printed out her blog into a book and that gave me more of an incentive to blog better and make it more of a journal for me and my family. Thanks Andrea.

1 comment:

Tia AhQuin Stokes said...

Sister...I just barely saw this becuase of my lack of access of a computer!!! thankyou so much for that , that made my day:) I love you too and thankyou for being such a great example and inspiration to me...the pictures are very cute and my husband is a HOTTIE!!!!;) i LOVE YOU tON!!! Thanks for all you do for us!!