Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NEW YEARS DAY activities

TREVOR playing catch and football.
Let the games begin!!!!!!
Brother to Brother - look at Clay's face. Do you think he out ran Monster Max?
There goes Adam for a touchdown!!!!
We even had cheerleaders: Go Irene and Becca
Jeff bought these boys :FUTURE MISSIONARY bracelets

Then we went to visit Tia's little family. Here's Major!!!!
Poor little Tia so sick!!!!
Look at this adorable little guy!!!!
Major playing with one of his favorite people Trevor, bouncing on the exercise ball

We have our family tradition that started many years ago to walk 5 miles on the first day of the year. That's how we have always started our New Year as the AhQuin family. We have changed it alittle since our family has grown, & more and more children have joined our family. So we meet and play sports. While playing we figure you end up running and walking about 5 miles. So we met at the high school and played a good game of football and kickball. The kids love playing with all of the adults. The adults sometimes get a little too competitive, but that's the fun of it.

Sunshine, Tia and Andy were not able to join us because Tia was taken to the emergency room earlier that morning because she couldn't urinate. The baby is positioned in a place that was affecting her bladder. She has a very tipped uterus. They had to catherize her for 3 days. So we ended up going to her house to visit and spend some time with her. Major was pretty excited to see all of the cousins. He loves playing with the big kids. Sunny was experiencing her first ever migraine headache. We missed all 4 of them, it just wasn't the same without them.

1 comment:

It Just Keeps Getting Better said...

I just love you blog. It always looks like you are having so much fun being a Wife and Mother. It's so great to connect with you after all this time. I just enjoy getting to see what your life is like. Thanks so much for letting me in, you are amazing.

Love Julie